About Zachary

What makes a great product, great?

What differentiates an app that goes viral and one that stays stagnant?

How does one create success in a new industry? (e.g. AI)

Questions like these cut straight to my heart in User Experience Design.

Through many years composing, creating, and innovating in music, websites, print-media, and even woodworking, I've found child-like curiosity, faith, and innovation to be a few of the best postures for success in any industry.

Curiosity teaches us to embrace failure rather than fear it.

Faith refers to a belief that things will work out.

And Innovation—this is a mindset that stays locked in the present, looking excitingly to the future, while not forgetting (nor overly-emphasizing) foundational methods from the past.

This is the mindset that creates excellence—a necessary ethos of the best, most impactful products and companies.

I aspire to the highest standard, all while growing, learning, and developing as a creator, innovator, thinker, and designer.


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